Test you automobile knowledge and try to guess all of the car logos! How many car logos can you recognize? See how good you are in guessing the most popular car logos as well as the ones that are least popular - to make the game more challenging and fun!Playing the game and winning the coins allow you to use some of the hints if you're stuck on some level!Ultimate Car Logo Quiz - Most addictive car logo quiz game!★FEATURES★▶ more than 50+ logos in the game and many more can be downloaded through the game menu▶ some of the logos have removed names that can be seen in the logo▶ constantly updates with new car logos▶ useful hints▶ easy to play and easy to use▶ for the best car lovers▶ large variety of popular and unpopular cars (you'd be surprised for logos you've never seen in your life)Compete with the best car lovers and enthusiast - download the game now and be the part of the team!Most of all, enjoy the game!